Mew Unofficial Site

Sample files

tats's sample .mew.el file
tats.mew.el (21,106 bytes, revised: Mar 25, 2003)
tats's sample .mew-theme.el file (simple/monochrome)
tats.mew-theme.el (6,612 bytes, revised: May 8, 2008)
tats.mew-theme.png (13,647 bytes)

Mew 1.94 -> Mew 2 memo

Mew -- Messaging in the Emacs World

Mew is a user interface for text messages, multimedia messages (MIME), news articles and security functionality including PGP, SSH and SSL.

The features of Mew are as follows:

Mew Official Homepage / About mailing-list / mailing-list archive

Debian: mew package / mew-beta package

Home Page

Tatsuya Kinoshita